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We used your product on our RV roof (fiberglass) about two months ago and saved about a gallon of the coating (it's in the fridge and still pliable).  We applied the primer first then the coating as per your instructions.  We looked today and saw that there were a few small areas that seemed thin or missed (I don't know how I missed them).  Is there anything special that needs to be done to those areas before we apply the coating?  We can see the primer just fine and we have no leaks.  What a great product. Thanks for your answer in advance.
in Liquid Butyl Rubber by

1 Answer

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Hi actually we do not suggest putting it in the fridge that comes from some people on youtube but not from our company.  The product has past the point of being able to apply it

Thank you
Putting it in the fridge or ice bath is in the brochure I downloaded from your website or an email from your company.