What is EPDM Roofing?

Invented in the 1970s, EPDM roofing is a highly durable rubber roofing membrane with effective applications for commercial roofing with a low slope. The acronym EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene DieneTerpolymer, a name that reflects its chemical origins, being the derivative of natural gas and oil. Coming in sheets that are as wide as 50 feet, EPDM roofing is cost-effective and easy to install. It provides businesses that employ it for their roofing needs with an incredibly weather-resistant and durable roof that has been proven, over its forty-year track record, to stand the test of time. That’s why, for example, businesses such as Disney’s Pixar have employed it for their roofs.

What are the Advantages of EPDM Roofing?

EPDM roofing offers a variety of solutions to commercial businesses that are looking for a roofing solution for their low-sloping roofs. For one, EPDM is exceptionally resistant to ultra violet light, which means that it won’t fade over time, with the added bonus of assisting in keeping your commercial floor space cooler than it otherwise might be. In addition to this, EPDM roofing also offers a tremendous degree of fatigue resistance, which means that it is capable of settling with your building.

With the effects of global warming continuing to be felt around the world, having a weather-resistant roofing solution is paramount for any business. EPDM roofing is therefore one of the best options that a business can select. It has been shown to be highly resistant to the damaging effects of hail, in addition to being resistant to corrosion caused by ground-level ozone. More than this, with the violent changes in temperature that many places around the world are experiencing, EPDM roofing offers a solution to damage caused to roofs by extreme fluctuations in temperature.

Any business understands that danger can strike at any moment. EPDM roofing demonstrates a high degree of resistance to the effects of fire. For this reason, installing an EPDM roof on your commercial business can be thought of as taking a step toward the prevention of serious fire-related damage.

In the end, though, the real benefit of EPDM roofing is in its extreme level of durability. EPDM roofs that were installed after the roofing was invented in the 1970s are still doing their jobs for many businesses around the world. For this reason, EPDM can be though of as the ultimate solution for your low-slope commercial space roofing needs.

How can EPDM Roofing be Repaired?

Because EPDM roofing is incredibly durable, it does not need to be repaired very often. However, should repairs be necessary, the process is quite simple. Most often, the normal course of business does not even need to be interrupted for a building that has utilized an EPDM roofing solution. Generally, the roof needs to be washed and then subsequently repaired where it needs to be and then treated with a protective coating. After repairs, businesses find that their EPDM roofing has been restored to the state that it was originally in when it was installed.


  1. I have a home with a portion that is flat and a portion that is sloped. I currently have torch down product on it. It is 26 years old. My question is; Can liquid epdm roofing go over it or can epdm rubber roofing go over it ? If I can use the liquid, I can extend the life till I am better able to afford a new roof. 2nd, Does epdm rubber roofing need to be coated right after installing ? 3rd, Is the tape sealant used to adhere this membrane to the deck durable thru all the weather pattern we get here in Everett, Wash.

    I am currently getting bids on a new roof and have received bids on TPO and PVC. Yesterday I had a roofing comp. give me an analysis on my existing roof and discuss epdm material and its benefits. So is the costs greater to install or comparable ?
    Thank you.

  2. I have flat roof. Tell me why epdm is better than TPO and PVC. Is it just as expensive or more ? The way it seals to the deck, will it be durable to keep the heavy rains and hail and snow we get in Everett, Wash. out and not leak. I have ponding on my roof now, will epdm handle that for years to come. Show me references that home owners,businesses are satisfied with going with epdm and not the other two types.

  3. What is the standard warranty for an EPDM roof? Does it vary by manufacturer?

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